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Navigate with why

My observation

In today’s rapidly evolving world of technology, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the pace of change, and many people worry about the future of their careers. As jobs become less relevant due to automation and other technological advancements, anxiety about the future is understandable. As a tech enthusiast and firm believer in personal growth, I want to share my journey of embracing curiosity to overcome doubts and find fulfillment in technology, hoping to inspire you to do the same. Along the way, I’ll introduce you to the “Why, What, How” thinking framework, inspired by Simon Sinek, and encourage you to explore it further.

Born to create

As new technologies redefine the way we live and work, it’s essential to accept that we cannot live in the past. Instead of fearing change, we can choose to focus on the problems that need to be solved and use technology to address them. By doing so, we can create more meaningful work and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of the modern world. One important realization is that humans have an innate desire to create; it’s in our instinct. We are just not used to the power given by this new technology yet. We will continue doing what ever brings us joy, like making pottery, painting, programming or any other kind of craftsmanship. The way we work on them, however, will change significantly.

We will keep doing what brings us joy

A “Why” is even more important in the AI era

Simon Sinek’s “Start with Why” thinking guide encourages us to begin by understanding the purpose behind our actions. The “Why, What, How” thinking framework helps us identify our core motivation (Why), define our goals (What), and develop a plan to achieve them (How). By exploring this framework, we can gain clarity in our lives, stay true to our purpose, and inspire others to join us in our pursuits.

In the context of technological advancements, starting with “why” can help us identify the problems we are passionate about solving and guide us towards meaningful and fulfilling work. By focusing on our “why,” we can channel our energy into overcoming challenges and embracing change. As we adapt to the new power granted by technology, we can continue to create and innovate in alignment with our natural instincts.

My approach

Start with your attitude

The value of exploring diverse fields and acquiring a broad set of skills cannot be overstated. By embracing our curiosity and the desire to create, we open ourselves up to learning opportunities that can have a meaningful impact on our lives and the world around us. As we navigate the challenges of new technologies, our curiosity and desire to create can help us adapt and find innovative solutions to the problems we face. This mindset enables us to contribute positively to the world, even as the landscape of work continues to change.

Seeing the connection

As we venture into the world of technology and personal growth, our individual feelings may not significantly impact the progress of technology, but our contributions can inspire others. By sharing our “why” and using technology to achieve our goals, we can foster a positive attitude, learn new things, and increase happiness. By focusing on problem-solving and working together to address the challenges that technology presents, we can create a sense of community and support that empowers us to face the uncertainties of the future.

The “bring-home”

Navigating the ever-changing landscape of technology can be daunting, but by focusing on our “why” and embracing our curiosity, we can overcome our doubts and find joy and fulfillment. Let’s use technology as a tool to learn, create, and inspire others, spreading positivity and happiness as we forge our unique paths in this fascinating world. As we grow more accustomed to the power of new technologies, we can harness our innate desire to create and make meaningful contributions to the world around us.

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