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On thinking


Sometimes we spend hours, days, or even months worrying about things that aren’t actually that big of a deal. We tend to hope for a complicated or ‘mind-blowing’ solution to compensate for the effort we’ve put into the problem. But when we look back, the dots connect, and it all seems much simpler.

This analogy is applicable to life too. Deciding to take the first step can be the hardest part, as it requires us to make a decision with so much uncertainty, doubt, freedom and possibilities. But once we’ve taken the first step, we’re filled with confidence and acceptance.

I’m still figuring out how to apply this to my own life, but here are a few things that I’m trying to do to help me along the way:

  • Take it easy - if you can’t solve a problem today, try again tomorrow. Give yourself time and space, and you may even forget about the problem altogether.
  • Write down your thoughts. It’s amazing how something we can’t seem to escape from can be summarised in 3-4 sentences.
  • Talk to someone you trust.

The answer to many of our problems may not be absolute, but the solutions start with the right attitude. So why not give it a try?

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