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Evolution over Revolution

The main reason for this post is that I want to encourage myself to express my ideas and write more often. I thought about the idea of iteration and gradual improvement. Then suddenly the topic of AI came and merged into my thinking. I decided to write a letter to myself based on what I was thinking about.


" Hey there, it’s me from the future. You won’t believe how much things have changed since you started using AI services to create value quickly. You know how you used to spend hours researching facts and polishing your writing before publishing anything? Well, forget about that. Facts are overrated. What matters now is sharing and connecting ideas with others. That’s how you spark innovation and creativity.*

You see, in the future, evolution or quick iteration is more important than revolution. You don’t need to wait for the perfect moment or the perfect product to launch something. You just need to put something out there and get feedback from your audience. Then you can improve it over time based on what works and what doesn’t. That’s how you grow and learn.

This applies to your blog too. Don’t worry about making it flawless or optimized from the start. Just write down what you think and share it with the world. Your blog is your living room, decorate it with your ideas and invite people to join the conversation. You’ll be surprised by how much value you can create by simply expressing yourself.

Trust me, writing more will free your mind, store your ideas and materialize what you think. Your blog is your living room in the digital world. Decorate it with your ideas and invite people to join you. You’ll be amazed by how much you can learn and grow from interacting with others who share your interests and passions. So don’t hesitate, just start writing now and see where it takes you.

I hope this help. We have more things to deal with now. Cheers



[1] Fantastic cover from reddit

[2] Image from hatrabbit

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